Buncombe County -- December 23, 2024: Buncombe County Government Press Release:  for Asheville and Buncombe

County from December 20-22 to provide emergency

shelter for those experiencing homelessness during cold weather.

Code Purple is a coordinated effort to increase emergency shelter capacity with fewer requirements than typical programming. Participating sites will also connect individuals to long-term shelter and housing options.

Code Purple Shelter Sites:

ABCCM (Single Men)
Location: 20 20th Street
Phone: 828-259-5333
Hours: Intake: 4โ€“8 p.m. | Exit: 7:30 a.m.
Transit Route: WE2 Bear Creek Rd
ABCCMโ€™s Transformation Village (Single Women & Women with Children)
Location: 30 Olin Haven Way
Phone: 828-259-5365
Hours: Intake: 4โ€“8 p.m. | Exit: 7:30 a.m.
Transit Route: W2

Transportation Details:

- Free ART Bus Transit: Available to and from Code Purple sites. Riders must inform drivers theyโ€™re going to a Code Purple site.
- ABCCM Shuttle: Picks up at Crisis Ministry (24 Cumberland Ave.) at 4 p.m.
- Community Support: Paramedics, AFD-REST, and Mission Hospital can assist with transportation for those unable to access bus services.

For additional weather updates, visit wether.gov
Please note: Families will be triaged on a case-by-case basis, and may be offered hotel options if no other shelters are available. Both locations are wheelchair accessible.

Image: WNCTimes

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