Maggie Valley -- December 23, 2024: Press Release Lake Junaluska Fire Department: Office of the Fire Chief

Fire at the Heart of the Valley Motel in Maggie Valley, NC – December 22, 2024 –

At approximately 13:50:On December 21, 2024, fire crews from Maggie Valley Fire & Rescue responded to a structure fire at the Heart of the Valley Motel located at 73 Heart Lane Maggie Valley, NC. Upon arrival of Engine 17, firefighters encountered a rapidly spreading fire involving four motel units.

Initial efforts to combat the blaze were complicated by hazardous conditions, including large void spaces for fire to travel, and unstable structural integrity of the second story, which made the situation difficult to manage. After a thorough assessment, the decision was made to pull fire crews from the structure for their safety. The incident then transitioned into a defensive operation around 06:00 on December 22, with firefighters focusing on preventing the fire from spreading to surrounding buildings.

Thanks to the swift and coordinated actions of crews on scene, the fire was ultimately contained to the motel, and all adjacent structures were successfully protected. No injuries were reported among fire service personnel or civilians.
The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Haywood County Fire Marshal and local authorities. We would like to thank our neighboring agencies for their assistance with the blaze.

No additional information will be released at this time, for any additional inquiries, please contact the Maggie Valley Fire & Rescue at (828) 926-0948.

Image: Lake Junaluska Fire Department

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