Hendersonville -- December 24, 2024: Hendersonville Police Department:  On Monday, December 23, 2024, at

approximately 8:43 p.m., Hendersonville Police Officers were dispatched to

assist Henderson County EMS with an unknown problem at the intersection of 7th Avenue East and Robinson Terrace.

Officers arrived and discovered a male victim with penetrating injuries consistent with an assault. EMS immediately transported the victim to Pardee UNC Health, where he succumbed to his injuries.

The victim has been identified as Kevin Deran Copelin, age 50, of Hendersonville. The assault appears to be an isolated incident, and Detectives are actively pursuing all leads. Currently, no suspects have been named, and no arrests have been made.

The Hendersonville Police Department urges anyone with information about this incident to immediately come forward. Please contact Detective Torbett at 828-697-3025. Anonymous tips may also be submitted through the Hendersonville Police Department App which can be downloaded from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store by searching โ€œHendersonville PD.โ€ Alternatively, you may reach out to your local law enforcement agency by calling 911.

Image: WNCTimes


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