McDowell County -- September 20, 2024: McDowell County Sheriff's Office: Earlier this morning, just before 9 a.m.

McDowell County Sheriff's Office, in cooperation with McDowell County Schools, placed Nebo Elementary School in a preventative lockdown due to a suspicious package at the Nebo post office. 

Upon further investigation and in close consultation with the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation and Emergency Management, students were relocated to the gym and multipurpose room, a determined safe distance from the suspicious package. This package was found to be an antique rifle barrel that was not dangerous, and it was being sent to a local collector here in Nebo.

“The McDowell County Sheriff’s Office would like to extend our sincere thanks to McDowell County Schools, McDowell County Emergency Management, Nebo Fire Department and the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation for their assistance in the swift response and handling of today’s incident,” said Sheriff Ricky Buchanan.

The information was posted on social media by the McDowell County Sheriff's Office.

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