Asheville -- June 21. 2024: Press Release Asheville Police Department: Asheville Police, working with the State Bureau

of Investigation, located and apprehended a fugitive wanted for a shooting in Charlotte Wednesday afternoon in west Asheville. 

APD Detectives and state and local partners located Leonard Carlos Edwards and took him into custody in the 300 block of New Leicester Highway around 12:42 p.m. on June 19th. Edwards was wanted for a shooting in Charlotte among the 11 open warrants. 


Leonard Carlos Edwards 

-Warrant: Discharge a Firearm into Occupied Property x2

-Warrant: Possession of Firearm by Felon

-Warrant: Felony Conspiracy

-Warrant: Assault with a Deadly Weapon x6

-Warrant: Assault on Female

Edwards was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility with NO BOND (ineligible for release) due to the Pretrial Integrity Act.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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