Asheville -- June 21, 2024: Asheville Police Press Release: APD Detectives have arrested and charged two

people in connection with the June 16th homicide at an apartment complex on Long Shoals Road.

Detectives located Aria Shaquana Waters (08/01/1990) on June 18th around 3:09 p.m. and took her into custody without incident. The following day, June 19th, around 12:47 p.m., Knowledge Jamal Davis (04/12/2006) turned himself in to detectives. While executing a search warrant, physical evidence was obtained.


Knowledge Jamal Davis 

-Warrant: 1st Degree Murder

-Warrant: Discharge a Firearm into Occupied Property

Davis was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility on June 19th under NO BOND (not eligible for release) by a magistrate due to the Pretrial Integrity Act.

Aria Shaquana Waters

-Warrant: Accessory After the Fact

-Warrant: Possession of a Stolen Firearm

-Warrant: Trafficking in Methamphetamine by Possession

-Warrant: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Waters was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility on June 18 under $150,000 (or $15,000 to a bondsman) secured bond issued by a magistrate.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.



APD News Update-Sunday Morning Homicide Victim Identified

Asheville, NC (June 16, 2024): Asheville Police Department Detectives are releasing the name of the decedent from Sunday morning's homicide in south Asheville following next of kin notification. 

Terry Lee Landrum Sr (01/22/1975) has been identified as the man found deceased earlier this morning; next of kin has been notified.

Asheville Police Department Criminal Investigations Division is continuing to investigate.


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