Haywood County -- March 22, 2024: The hunt for an individual who allegedly evaded law enforcement during a pursuit

involving a car is currently underway in Haywood County.

The encounter commenced after a "routine traffic stop and chase" in Maggie Valley on Thursday afternoon, as stated by deputies.

According to the Haywood County Sheriff's Office, the individual in question was last observed walking in the vicinity of Black Camp Gap/Mash Stomp/Blue Ridge Parkway. Authorities posted in a 9:25 p.m. Facebook update that they had not yet located him.

At 7:45 a.m. on Friday, a representative from the sheriff's office expressed the belief that the individual in question departed from the vicinity, and there is now no prevailing danger to the local population.

The individual in question is characterized as a white male, 5 feet 11 inches in height, black hair, styled in a ponytail or bun, and a black shirt.

Officials recommend for the community to remain alert. If the suspect is observed, refrain from approaching them and instead dial 911.

The search was conducted with the assistance of the Maggie Valley Police Department and NC Wildlife officials, as well as drones from Haywood Emergency Services.

Due to ongoing investigations, the publishing of the suspect's identification is now prohibited. The investigation is ongoing and we will provide additional information as soon as possible.


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