Yancey County --February 16, 2024: The following was reported by the Yancey County Sheriff's Office Monday  on social media:

The Yancey County Sheriff's Office has arrested and charged Leonard Anthony Widwski, a resident of Yancey County, in connection with a shooting incident involving a 15-year-old male. Widawski faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon, resulting in serious injury.

The incident occurred on February 11th, 2024, at a swinging bridge located on Highway 197 N. in the Green Mountain area. A group of juveniles was visiting the area when a verbal and physical altercation ensued regarding parking on private property, initiated by a resident living in the area.
Widawski, upon hearing the altercation, intervened and fired a single shot, striking the 15-year-old male. The victim was airlifted, to Memorial Mission Hospital, where he remains in critical but stable condition.

Following an investigation by the Yancey County Sheriff's Office, with the assistance of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations, Leonard Anthony Widawski was taken into custody and subsequently released after posting a $75,000 secure bond.

At this time, no additional comments or information will be released. Any additional press releases or information will be done using the Yancey County Sheriff's Office app.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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