Asheville -- January 16, 2024: Asheville Police report a man broke into a business, caused property damage, and activated a fire alarm was apprehended by officers Sunday morning.

At approximately 4:49 a.m. on January 14, APD patrol officers were dispatched to a commercial establishment located in the vicinity of the 7th block of New Leicester Highway in response to a report that a male had caused damage to the establishment's property, activated the fire alarm, and broken into the establishment.

On entering the establishment, officers discovered the suspect armed with a knife. The suspect absconded upon noticing the officers. Joseph Thomas Hughes, Jr. was apprehended intact after officers discovered him concealed within a cooler subsequent to an investigation of the establishment.

Hughes was charged with Felony Breaking and Entering, Resist Officers, and Damage to Property. He was booked into the Buncombe County Detention Facility under NO BOND (not eligible for release due to a violation of the Pretrial Integrity Act) issued by a magistrate.


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