Several People Rescued in Translyvania County
Transylvania County -- January 15, 2023: Transylvania County Rescue Squad:
1/11/2024a; Tuesday evening, just before 6, Transylavnia County 911 recieved an urgent call for a boat that capsized, sending 3 people into the French Broad River near Hannah Ford Road. Connestee Fire Rescue was the lead agency and immediately requested Swift Water Rescue resources from multiple county agencies. CFR arrived on scene and assumed incident command.
Crews spread out on land and, with the help of a drone, were able to maintain visual or voice contact with all 3 victims. Multiple swiftwater rescue boats were deployed from several locations along the river. All 3 victims were safely removed from the water and evaluated by EMS. While one of the rescue boats (with 2 TCRS members on board) was attempting to access and rescue a victim, it began taking on water and was being pushed towards a bridge by the swift current.
Rescuers abandoned the boat, scattered apart but able to swim to, and hold on to the bridge and trees along the flooded river bank. Command requested additional Swift Water Rescue resources from Henderson County and Asheville Fire Dept. Since the original victims had been removed from the river upstream, all resources were directed to the rescuers in the water. All rescuers were removed from the water and evaluated by EMS. They were treated for hypothermia-related injuries and released to go home.
We appreciate all the help and support from the other agencies involved. We are thankful everyone involved was able to go home. Swift water is extremely dangerous and can be unforgiving, especially at night.
The rescuers on this incident, most all volunteers, truly put their lives on the line to help save others. Any further questions about this incident are directed to Connestee Fire Rescue as they were incident command.