Rutherford County -- April  2, 2023 --  Henrico County (Virginia) Police Division called the Rutherford County Sheriff's
Office on March 29, 2023, regarding a suspect linked to a shooting that happened on March 28, 2023.

The suspect, Tiye Adam Washington II, may be heading to the region of Rutherford County, according to Henrico County. Following the alert from Henrico County, Virginia, Rutherford County Sheriff's Deputies conducted a search for the suspect in the Chase Community of Rutherford County with the assistance of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation's Criminal Apprehension Team, North Carolina State Highway Patrol, Forest City Police Department, ATF, Cleveland County Sheriff's Office, Rutherfordton Police Department, and the Rutherford County Fire Marshal's Office.

On March 30, 2023, early in the morning, police came upon Washington along Old Henrietta Road and Providence Road. A Rutherford County Sheriff's Deputy was hurt during the shootout, and Washington also suffered wounds and was declared dead at the site.

The deputy was taken to a local hospital where he is receiving medical attention.
The Western District Field Office of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation has been asked to look into the officer-involved shooting.
The shooting will also be the subject of an internal inquiry by the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office. In the upcoming days, the names of the Deputies/Officers engaged in the incident will be disclosed.


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