Yancey County -- A woman from Western North Carolina has been charged, after the death of another woman.
from a fentanyl overdose.

According to the Yancey County Sheriff's Office, Buncombe County resident Lauren Ann Russell, 35, has been accused
of distributing lethal substances.

The arrest follows a probe into Sarah Mizell's death, which was caused by a fentanyl overdose, by the detectives of the Yancey County Sheriff's Office with help from the NCSBI.

Russell is being jailed in the Yancey County Correctional Facility on a $500,000 bail.

“As the Sheriff of Yancey County, I and my office will work diligently to identify and hold accountable any individual that chooses to sell drugs to the people in our community,” said Sheriff Shane Hilliard.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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