Rutherford County -- The "VICE" Unit of the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office has been working a major Fentanyl Distribution conspiracy case in Rutherford County,
and their job is far from done; additional arrests are expected, along

with state and federal charges. Few specifics may be shared at this time in order to protect the case's confidentiality, but as the investigation progresses and arrests are made, more information will be made public. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office wished to provide an update for the community and share what information is currently available about this investigation.

For this case, the Rutherford County "VICE" Unit went to a home in the Bostic/Sunshine region on December 14th, 2022, and confiscated 3.6 pounds (about 16,500 pills) and 84.6 grams of pure fentanyl powder. The wholesale price of these medications is $181,000.00.

WNCTIMES by Marjorie Farrington 

Photo: Rutherford County Sheriff's Office

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