Two People in McDowell County Face Felony Drug Charges
McDowell County -- McDowell County Sheriff’s Office Community Impact Team charged 32-year-old Kali Bartlett of Marion with felony
Possession of Methamphetamine.
She was given a secured bond of $5,000. On Tuesday, January 28, Detective Smith assisted North Carolina State Highway Patrol with a traffic stop in Marion.
It was discovered that the passenger of the vehicle, 49-year-old Wayne Halterman of Old Fort, had outstanding warrants for his arrest.
A subsequent search of the vehicle turned up drug paraphernalia, marijuana and oxycodone. Bartlett was found to be in possession of a suspected amount of meth, and drug paraphernalia was found on Halterman.
Both individuals were transported to the McDowell County Detention Center.
Received a secured bond of $3,000 for misdemeanor Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance,
misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana, up to ½ ounce
misdemeanor of Drug Paraphernalia
Kali Bartlett
Wayne Halterman