Hickory Christmas Parade & Tree 2023 Lighting Friday

The City of Hickory traditionally hosts its annual holiday season kick-off event, the Lowes Foods Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting, the Friday before Thanksgiving. This year's holiday kickoff event is scheduled for Friday, November 17, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. Lowes Foods has been the sponsor of this festive event since the first year. Immediately following the parade through downtown, Santa will light the tree on Union Square. Enjoy holiday music, shopping specials, and more!

Parade Route

The parade follows the route below:

Parade starts at the intersection of 4th Street NW and 1st Avenue NW
Continue on 1st Avenue NW towards City Hall
Turns right on North Center Street
Turns right on Main Avenue NW
Continues through Union Square and exits on Main Avenue NW (Santa will be dropped off at Union Square before exiting downtown)

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