Fallapalooza Trunk or Treat in Hendersonville

This event is a "Trunk or Treat" style setting located in the lower First Baptist Church parking lot.

The lot will be set up in U Shape design with members' vehicles located on either side. 

Members will give out candy and more to kids as they pass by the different member vehicles. 

For more information check out Fallapalooza Trunk or Treat

Family-friendly Treat Street Carnival on Monday, October 31st, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. It's a night of frightful fun you won't want to miss! Events include:
Costume contest with various age categories, even one for furry friends! Monster Mash Sound Extreme DJ party Kid zone sponsored by Biltmore Church
Inflatables and Día de Los Muertos performances
Trick-or-treat along Main Street, visit treat contributor booths, and more!
Please note Main Street closures and parking restrictions.
Join us for a fang-tastic Halloween night

Treat Street in Downtown Hendersonville!

Treats and fun all along Main Street in downtown Hendersonville. Trick & Treat at merchants, win fabulous prizes at the costume contest, play on inflatables, and enjoy live music and dance...so much to do in Downtown Hendersonville this Halloween.

Main Street Downtown Hendersonville 5 pm- 8- pm 

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