Asheville Parks and Recreation wants you to come out, there's something for everyone this Halloween Week!

Continuing this week!!!

The Festival of Frights: Our multi-event Halloween celebration for your entire family is just around the corner with tons of Spooky Scary Fun!!! Visit for all the ghoul-tastic details.
Southside Halloween Festival
$5 | Monday | 10/23 | 5 - 8pm
Dr. Wesley Grant Sr., Southside Community Center

Enjoy some Halloween fun at Southside: Pumpkin Carving, Face Painting, a Costume Contest with Prizes, Classic Horror Movies, a Halloween Ball, and free food that follows the Halloween Fun. Stay the whole time or drop by and enjoy one or two!

Haunted Castle on the Hill $2 | Friday & Saturday | 10/27, 10/28 | 7 - 10pm
Stephens-Lee Community Center

Looking for spooky fright this Halloween? There will be plenty of ghosts and ghouls and visions of things that go bump in the night at the Haunted Castle on the Hill. This event is scary for most, so we recommend youth ages 10 and over.
Halloween Creepy Climbing
$5 | Sunday | 10/29 | 4 - 6pm
Tempie Avery Montford Community Center
Join us for an afternoon of fiendish family fun!
Show off your costume, climb for candy, play ghoulish games. A parent or guardian must be present with their child during the event. Pre-registration is encouraged due to a limit number of spots to climb during the event.

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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