Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Gov Local News:  October is National Archives Month and Buncombe County Special Collections is celebrating with a spooky scary dive into the archives for two special events at East Asheville Library.

Trunk of Troubles will share basic care and storage tips for family documents and photographs, and Spine-Chilling Special Collections puts archival horrors on display for Halloween.

Trunk of Troubles
Thursday, Oct. 26, 4 p.m.

East Asheville Library

Using a “Trunk of Trouble,” Western Regional Archives Lead Archivist Heather South will share basic care, handling, and storage instructions for taking care of your family documents and photographs. Whether it’s your grandfather’s World War II letters home, your parent’s wedding photos, or even your high school scrapbook, we’ll share ways to save and preserve these historical treasures for future generations.

The free program provides insight on where to start and ideas for inexpensive solutions to frequent troubles. “The Trunk of Trouble” uses examples and samples all about the do’s and don’ts of preservation for books, paper, and photographs. It’s an informative and fun way to join in on the preservation conversation.

Spine Chilling Special Collections Open House
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 5-7 p.m.

East Asheville Library

Join us for a night of historical spine-chilling fun. Explore the creepier side of Special Collections with your friends and family. The East Asheville Library activity room will be frightfully full of displays of some of our favorite spooky specimens, collections of haunted tales, and eye-popping examples of archival frights. We’ll have tricks and treats too.

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