Raleigh -- July 12, 2023: Now is the time to start entering exhibits in the 2023 NC Mountain State Fair.

If you think your artwork, baked goods, garden products, livestock, and more are ribbon-worthy, then don’t miss this year’s entry deadlines.

“Competitions are the heart of the fair. We provide an opportunity for the community to highlight their many talents, “said Jill Taylor, entry department coordinator. “Exhibitors are encouraged to make their entries early as popular categories can fill up.” Registration must be completed online using ShoWorks, an online registration system that is used at fairs across the country. To receive premiums, exhibitors will be required to complete a W-9 form at the time of registration.

All general exhibit competitions are free to enter and open to any North Carolina resident. A drop-off and pick-up time must be completed at the time of registration. For exhibitors in outlying Western NC counties, there is a Pony Express Service option. This service allows general exhibitors to drop off their entries at their local extension office by Aug. 25 for delivery to the fair. Please check the fair website for a list of counties where this service is available.

Livestock competitions include various categories for cattle, swine, goat, sheep, poultry, rabbits, and llama. Registration for youth shows is free, with a fee for open shows. 4-H and FFA clubs are encouraged to enter. Please check the website for rules and documentation required for each category.

Caps for Cancer, sponsored by Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair, is a new competition this year that benefits Western N.C. residents experiencing traumatic hair loss, no matter the cause. Caps may be entered for competition and/or dropped off for donation. Free patterns and suggested yarns can be found online at www.knotsoflove.org. Caps will be on display during the fair, then distributed by Messino Cancer Centers.

More information about this year’s competitions can be found at https://www.wncagcenter.org/p/mountainstatefair/competitions

Following is a list of all entry deadlines for competitions at the 2023 Fair.

Gospel Singing Contest         Aug. 11

Cooking Competitions          Aug. 11

Clogging Championship        Aug. 18

Livestock Contests                Aug. 25

General Exhibits                   Aug. 25

Pageant                                 Sept. 9 by 9 a.m.

Ice Cream Eating Contest    Sept. 13 by 6:00 pm

The 2023 Mountain State Fair runs Sep. 8-17 at the Western N.C. Ag Center in Fletcher. Discount tickets are now on sale at https://www.wncagcenter.org/

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