Hendersonville -- October 29, 2024: Hendersonville is Open and Ready to Welcome You: Hendersonville has reopened

 after Helene.

The Hendersonville website provides much-needed information:

Storm-impact Questions

I’m hearing not to come to Western NC. Can I travel to Hendersonville and Henderson County?
Yes, please do. NCDOT has “Green-Lit” most of Hendersonville and Henderson County because the recovery efforts here have been so swift. (Thanks to the linemen, first responders, and countless volunteers and supporters!) Many places are back open with more places reopening daily.

How can I support Hendersonville in its recovery efforts?

– Come to Hendersonville & Henderson County, if you can. See the “What’s open?” FAQ above for everything we’ve verified is open and ready to welcome you!

How are the roads?
NCDOT has “Green-Lit” most of Hendersonville and Henderson County. Interstate 26 through Hendersonville and Henderson County, as well as our main corridors and many rural roads, are open and safe for travel. Hendersonville is easily accessed from SC, GA, and points south via I-26 West. For most people traveling from within NC, either follow your normal routes or opt for I-85 South to US 74 Bypass to I-26 West. To check the latest road openings and closures.
Find the answer to the above questions and even more on their https://visithendersonvillenc.org/travel-faqs
Image Credit: WNCTimes

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