Blue Ridge Parkway National Park Service -- February 16, 2024: A public comment period is now open related to proposed fee changes for front-country and backcountry camping fees, as well as non-camper user fees for shower and dump-station services.

The proposed fee structure is outlined below:

Front country campground standard site (eight locations parkwide): current fee is $20, proposed fee $30.
Front country campground GROUP site (20-person occupancy - group sites available at Rocky Knob, Linville Falls, and Doughton Park campgrounds): current fee is $35, proposed fee $45.
Back country campsite (6-person occupancy, 3-night limit, three locations parkwide): currently there is no charge, proposed fee of $15 with reservation options on
Non-camper dump station fee (dumping allowed at eight locations parkwide): current fee is $3, proposed fee $6.
Non-camper shower fee (showers available at Julian Price Park and Mount Pisgah campgrounds): current fee is $3, proposed fee $6.

The Parkway is a popular camping destination for park visitors and neighbors, and recreation fees provide a vital source of revenue for needed facility maintenance, future campground improvement projects, and increased costs associated with campground operations.

The public comment period is open until March 15, 2024. Submit comments electronically here. Proposed changes could be implemented as soon as May 2024

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