Hickory, North Carolina was named the "World's Greatest City" by How 2 Media and featured on an episode of the national television series "World's Greatest Cities!" that aired in December 2023 on Bloomberg TV.

This was a significant achievement for the city, and it generated a lot of excitement and pride among residents. 

Selection process: How 2 Media, the producers of the show, researched hundreds of cities around the world before ultimately selecting Hickory. They were impressed by the city's strong sense of community, its vibrant arts and culture scene, its thriving economy, and its commitment to sustainability. 

Featured segment: The episode of "World's Greatest!..."  featured Hickory aired on December 9th and 16th, 2023, at 4 pm on Bloomberg TV. The segment highlighted some of the city's most popular attractions, such as the Hickory Aviation Museum, the Catawba Science Center, and the Hickory Furniture Mart. It also featured interviews with residents and business owners who shared their love for their city.

Congrats to the city of Hickory!

Check out the video below


WNCTimes December 2023


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