The North Carolina Arboretum inspires people to learn about and care for trees, shrubs, and plants; conserve natural

resources. perpetuate native plant species; improve the environment; connect with nature; and build appreciation of the beauty of plants. It is one of the few in the United States open to the public daily.

The Arboretum is a Nonprofit and was established in 1986 as an affiliate of the University of North Carolina. For more than 30 years, The North Carolina Arboretum has cultivated connections between people and plants.

The Arboretum is within the Pisgah National Forest, offering craft workshops for children and adults, botanical art exhibits by local artists, concerts, lectures and so much more!

For those who enjoy the outdoors, there are guided trail walks, hiking trails. and beautiful gardens to enjoy!

"Sip and stroll through the Arboretum’s gardens and experience our Wild Art outdoor sculpture showcase in the glow of the golden hour, all while listening to live music from a variety of local and regional artists! "

The gardens are filled with beautiful old-fashioned plants, spectacular native specimens.

The Arboretum is just minutes from downtown Asheville!

Be sure to check out the North Carollina Arboretum to find out more and plan your visit!

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