Asheville,NC -- Haunted Places in Asheville? We found "Top 9 Most Haunted Places in Asheville, NC" @ Haunted Rooms

One of the haunted places in Asheville, North Carolina that has unusual activity is the Shiloh Abandoned Forestry Compound. 

One of the buildings located on the Forestry Compound was given the nickname the “Whorehouse.” The reason for the nickname is the apparently presence of the ghost of a prostitute that remains in one of the rooms.

There are reports someone discovered a gruesome discovery in one of the bathrooms downstairs. It is said blood fills the toilet. Where it comes from no one knows.

The temperatures inside this building also tend to stay at roughly 40 degrees no matter how warm it may be outside.

Click the Haunted Rooms link above to find the full list of Most Haunted Places in Asheville, NC.

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