One of the most haunted places in North Carolina is Lydia’s Bridge in Greensboro. Local legend states that a young woman named Lydia crashed on the bridge on her way home from a dance with her date.

Her date died on impact leaving an injured Lydia alone and trying desperately to flag someone down to help her. Unfortunately, no help came and Lydia also died.

In the years that followed it was said that Lydia’s ghost stands on the bridge flagging people down only to disappear when the car got close to her.

Other versions of the story say that drivers would actually stop and pick Lydia up and drive her home, but on reaching the house she would vanish and if the door was knocked her mother would explain that she died years earlier.

The bridge is no longer in use, but plenty of visitors still stop by in search of Lydia!  More Haunted Places NC

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