Asheville -- December 18, 2024: Press Release City of Asheville: The City of Asheville would like to keep you informed

about the latest updates regarding the City’s advisory and quasi-judicial boards.

Advisory Board update

Effective immediately, all advisory boards staffed by City employees will remain suspended until further direction following the City Council retreat, in mid-February 2025. We will provide updates as new information becomes available. Updates on the status of these advisory boards will be shared as new information becomes available.

Quasi-judicial Board Update

City quasi-judicial boards staffed by City employees will resume their regular meeting schedules beginning January 1, 2025. The following quasi-judicial boards will recommence their operations as of the new year:

Planning & Zoning Commission
Asheville-Buncombe Historic Resources Commission
Board of Adjustment
Civil Service Board
The City recognizes the importance of these boards in supporting Asheville. We remain committed to keeping the public informed and will provide timely updates regarding any changes to board schedules or operations.


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