Buncombe County -- December 13, 2024: Buncombe County Government News: Code Purple has been called for

Asheville and Buncombe County to provide emergency shelter for those experiencing homelessness during cold weather.

Code Purple is a coordinated effort to increase emergency shelter capacity with fewer requirements than typical programming. Participating sites will also connect individuals to long-term shelter and housing options.
Code Purple Shelter Sites:
ABCCM (Single Men)
Location: 20 20th Street
Phone: 828-259-5333
Hours: Intake: 4–8 p.m. | Exit: 7:30 a.m.
Transit Route: WE2 Bear Creek Rd
ABCCM’s Transformation Village (Single Women & Women with Children)
Location: 30 Olin Haven Way
Phone: 828-259-5365
Hours: Intake: 4–8 p.m. | Exit: 7:30 a.m.
Transit Route: W2
Transportation Details:
- Free ART Bus Transit: Available to and from Code Purple sites. Riders must inform drivers they’re going to a Code Purple site.
- ABCCM Shuttle: Picks up at Crisis Ministry (24 Cumberland Ave.) at 4 p.m.
- Community Support: Paramedics, AFD-REST, and Mission Hospital can assist with transportation for those unable to access bus services.
For additional weather updates, visit weather.gov.
Please note: Families will be triaged on a case by case basis, and may be offered hotel options if no other shelters are available. Both locations are wheelchair accessible.

Community Care Stations provide space for the public to shower, do laundry, use the bathroom, access cell towers and WiFi, get potable and non-potable water, and access counseling services. They are open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Hot meals are offered at each Community Care Station at lunchtime and dinnertime. Please bring towels, shower shoes, and toiletries if possible; otherwise, items will be provided.
Open Community Care Stations:
Ingles Market Community Care Station in Fairview (ADA Showers and Bathrooms)
225 Charlotte Highway
Asheville, NC
Bethel United Methodist Community Care Station (ADA Showers and Bathrooms)
1050 Riceville Road
Asheville, NC
Morgan Hill Baptist Church Community Care Station (ADA Showers and Bathrooms)
594 Barnardsville Highway
Weaverville, NC
Owen Pool Community Care Station (ADA Showers and Bathrooms)
117 Stone Drive
Swannanoa, 28778

Buncombe County residents have two free ways to get rid of debris from their homes

- Right of Way Pickup: Public right of way pickup is for residents who are able to move storm debris from their homes to the public right of way. This is the easiest way to get rid of storm debris as crews are making several passes. We ask to place debris within 10 feet of the right of way and away from power lines and overhanging branches, so that trucks are able to pick them up. Separate debris into large appliances, construction materials, vegetative debris, hazardous waste, and electronics.
- Private Property Debris Removal (PPDR): For debris that cannot be moved to the curb or unsafe structures requiring removal, residents can sign up at buncombeready.org or visit an application center at one of the following locations: Asheville Mall, Barnardsville Fire Department, Swannanoa Fire Department (Bee Tree Road), Fairview Library, or Black Mountain Library.

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