Franklin -- December 7, 2024 -- Franklin Police reported the following on Thursday: At approximately 10:16 PM, Franklin

Police Department responded to the Ingles Supermarket on the Georgia Road in reference to a shoplifter.

During the call, officers were dealing with the female suspect in the parking lot. One officer smelled a very strong odor of
an alcoholic beverage from within the passenger area of the suspect’s vehicle. The officers were attempting to investigate further to determine impairment. The suspect locked the vehicle doors, and refused commands by officers to open the doors.

The suspect then fled from officers in the parking lot. FPD and Macon County - NC Sheriff's Office began to pursue the suspect. The pursuit traveled onto the Georgia Road then onto Wide Horizon Drive at a high rate of speed. The suspect lost control of the vehicle, drove off of the left side of the roadway, and collided into a tree. The suspect died at the scene of the collision.

The North Carolina State Highway Patrol is investigating the collision.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the deceased.

Image: WNCTimes

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