McDowell County -- September 10, 2024: McDowell County Sheriff's Deputies charged 52-year-old Christopher Scott Owenby

of Old Fort with felony Possession of a Firearm by Felon, and misdemeanor Resisting a Public Officer. He was given a $25,000 secured bond.

On August 15, the sheriff's department, along with the US Marshals Fugitive Task Force, attempted to serve Owenby with a warrant for his arrest and discovered he had barricaded himself inside his residence. Gibson and Task Force members removed Owenby from the home and began their investigation. Multiple rifles and shotguns were discovered at this time.

Owenby is already a convicted felon and is not allowed to possess or own a firearm under North Carolina Law.

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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