Asheville -- September 9, 2024: The City of Asheville Event Support Grant program is now accepting applications for

the calendar year 2025. 

This program, facilitated by ArtsAVL, provides a competitive process for non-profit organizations to receive financial support for free and open events to the public, and conducted within Asheville’s streets, parks, and outdoor public spaces. 

Grant funds can help make special uses of public space more affordable with reimbursement of city fees including application fees, costs for property use, permits, barricade rentals, and parking closures. The program’s goal is to preserve public arts and cultural programming within Asheville’s outdoor public spaces by providing financial assistance for community events that promote cultural heritage, diversity, and the creative arts. 

To be eligible for consideration: 

The event producer must be a non-profit 501c organization in operation for at least one year at the time of application.
The event producer must maintain a physical presence in Buncombe County by conducting business and providing services within Buncombe County at the time of application.

All events supported must be admission-free and open to the public, conducted in person within Asheville’s outdoor public spaces.

All events must take place between January 1 – December 31, 2025.

ArtsAVL is the City’s contracted administrator of this grant program. To learn more, visit

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