Raleigh -- August 6, 2024: Press Release: NCDA & CS Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler released

the following statement regarding Gov. Roy Cooper’s issuance of Executive Order 311 in preparation for the remnants of Hurricane Debby moving into North Carolina:

“North Carolina’s farm community is no stranger to dealing with hurricanes and tropical storms bearing heavy rain and know what needs to be done ahead of the storm to help limit damage. The waiving of some motor vehicle regulations related to agriculture is a big help to farmers readying their farms for bad weather.

“At my recommendation and as allowed by state law, the Governor has directed the Department of Public Safety to temporarily suspend weighing vehicles used to transport livestock, poultry, feed, and crops in the state.

“This Executive Order will allow our farmers the opportunity to harvest as much of their crops as they can before the storm hits and will help ensure that livestock, poultry, crops, and feed can be moved as needed. The order also temporarily suspends the maximum hours of service for drivers.

“I urge farmers to take this storm seriously and do what you can now to be prepared. Check your generators, fuel and emergency kits. We don’t know what impact this storm will have yet on our state. But we do know that preparation saves lives and protects property.”

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