Transylvania County--  August 6, 2024: Today the Transylvania County Sheriff's Office Posted

the following on social media.

Scams are running rampant and we need your help!

It seems like we are a broken record telling you about the new scams, well we feel like one too...

Surprise, surprise there is a new SCAM out there this week, and this week it involves someone calling claiming to be our very own Captain Jeremy Queen, this impostor then claims you missed jury duty or have done something else and that you're now in trouble and will need to pay a fine to avoid going to jail.

Well. that is just not how we do business, Transylvania County Sheriff's Office will never call and demand that you pay a fine over the phone, and we certainly do not bargain or negotiate fees to keep you out of jail. If we did in fact do this we would imagine most of the drug dealers would just carry around a fist full of hundreds to pay their way out of having to visit our wonderful Detention Facility.

So here is where we need your help, tell everyone you know about these scams and also about downloading our app so they too can keep up with the latest scams going around.  We're are asking that you please share information to prevent your family or friend from becoming the next victim of one of these scams.

These scammers are very clever often taking time to learn about you or your family so they can give you correct answers to your questions, they also use name of Sheriff's Office Personnel so the scams seem legit.

With that being said please be sure and contact the Transylvania County Sheriff's Office at 828-884-3168 before giving these scammers any money.

Thank you for your time and please help us spread the word as we continue to have victims getting scammed out of thousands of dollars a day.

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