Buncombe County -- July 1, 2924: Buncombe County Government Community News:  Message from Tax Collections:  Our office has received

reports that letters, like the one attached, have been sent claiming to be from the Tax Investigations 2-B Unit of Buncombe County. The letter attempts to scare residents to respond by claiming a debt is owed to "Federal Tax Authorities."

This is not an official letter from Buncombe County, and we believe this is an attempt to scam consumers into paying a fake tax debt. The letter includes a claim of intent to seize your assets and property with a toll free number listed on the letter, which may lead some consumers to believe this is a legitimate communication. Please call the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office at (828) 250-4503 if you have any information to report.

If you have been a victim of this scam, please report it at (877) 5-NO-SCAM or ncdoj.gov/complaint. Click here for tips from the IRS on avoiding scams and impersonation attempts. 

View example of letter here

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