Asheville -- April 26, 2024: Asheville Police Department News Release:  Detectives, officers, and local and state partners worked together

to apprehend a man wanted in connection with a shooting that took place on April 20 at an apartment complex on Atkinson Street.

On the evening of April 20, APD officers responded to a report of a man suffering from a gunshot wound at Mission Hospital. Through their investigation, officers determined that the shooting had occurred at an apartment complex on Atkinson Street.
After conducting an extensive investigation, APD detectives were able to identify and charge Juve Markie Lequan McAlpin in connection with the shooting. It was discovered that McAlpin was also wanted for a federal probation violation.

With the assistance of our state and local partners, detectives were able to locate McAlpin in Henderson County. On April 24, they worked with the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office to take McAlpin into custody. When HCSO deputies attempted to make contact with McAlpin, he fled on foot. Shortly after, he was taken into custody. During the arrest, he was found to be in possession of a .38 revolver.

McAlpin was booked into the Henderson County Jail and is being held under NO BOND (ineligible for release).

The Asheville Police Department would like to thank the Henderson County Sheriff's Office and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation for their invaluable assistance in this cooperative effort.


Juve Markie Lequan McAlpin 
-Warrant: Federal Probation Violation
-Assault With A Deadly Weapon With Intent To Kill Inflicting Serious Injury
-Shooting into Occupied Property
-Possession of Firearm by Felon
-Henderson County Sheriff’s Office: Possession of Firearm by Felon
-Henderson County Sheriff’s Office: Resist, Delay, Obstruct

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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