Asheville -- Asheville Police are seeking the person(s) who vandalized a vehicle in the driveway of a downtown

residence by spray-painting graffiti and slashing tires.

The Asheville Police Department is investigating a report of vandalism at a residence on Adams Street. On the morning of June 6, a resident discovered that their vehicle had been defaced with graffiti, including an anarchist symbol on the hood. Additionally, the vehicle's front tires had been slashed. The incident is believed to have occurred overnight on Wednesday, June 5.

If anyone has any information about this case, you are encouraged to send an anonymous tip using the TIP2APD smartphone application (search "Asheville PD" in your app store) or by texting TIP2APD to 847411. You can also call APD directly at (828) 252-1110.

Source: Asheville Police June 6, 2024

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