LUMBERTON -- Funeral services by Colvin Funeral  Home and Crematory for 13-year-old  Hania Aguilar will be held on Saturday December 8, 2018 @ Lumberton High School.

She is survived by her mother, Celsa Maribel Hernandez Velasquez, her father, Miguel Barrera, and two sisters. 

Hania's father is in Guatemala, has been denied a temporary visa. An online petition asking Guatemala to give him a visa has over around 52,000 signatures, with a goal of 75,000.

A Florida Company has donated a new home for Hania's mother and two sisters. Time Out Communities is giving her family an 1,800-square-foot double-wide four-bedroom home with two bathroom.


Article on Wnctimes about Hania's kidnapping and death Here

To sign the Online Petition for her father


Colvin Funeral Home and Crematory Hania Noelia Aguilar Obituary 

Funeral Service

DEC 8. 12:00 PM

Lumberton High School

3901 Fayetteville Rd

Lumberton, NC, US, 28358

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