MARION -- A GoFundMe page to help a family who lost everything yesterday in a house fire. 


The Lindsey family suffered a tragic accident on 12/03/2018, they loss their house in a structure fire. Mrs. Lindsey is a single mother of two boys, ages 4 and 11 years old.  She lived with her mother and her two puppies. Mrs. Lindsey works two jobs to make ends meet. The day of this tragic fire, Mrs. Lindsey had finished wrapping the last Christmas presents for her two boys before heading on to work.

They lost everything in the fire, clothes, furniture, appliances, and even all the toys that she worked so hard to buy for her kids. Mrs. Lindsey is now staying in one of our local hotels with her kids until she can find a house to rent. There is nothing more devastating than loosing everything you own right before Christmas. So lets be a community that cares, lets take care of our neighbors and friends and maybe a stranger.

Join me in helping the Lindsey family on having a Merry Christmas! while they put their life back together. 

To Donate Help the Lindsey Family

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