McDowell County -- March 26, 2024: On Wednesday, McDowell County Sheriff's Office responded to a call

at a restaurant located on Harmony Grove Rd in Nebo involving a firearm.

A deputy made contact with Timothy Allen Davidson, who attempted to flee the scene. 

A search of Davidson’s belongings and vehicle turned up a handgun, cocaine, marijuana, and pills. A further search, once at the jail, turned up additional cocaine and pills.

Davidson was charged with the following:

Possession of Cocaine Felonious Possession with Intent to Sell or Deliver Marijuana 2 counts of felonious Trafficking Opium or Heroin felonious Possession of a Controlled Substance on Jail Premises
Possession of Firearm by Felon and Assault by Pointing a Gun
Davidson was issued a $150,000 secured bond.

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