Rutherford County -- March 26, 2024: On Sunday, C-Crew Deputies with the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office

Road Patrol Division stopped a vehicle on College Ave near Charlotte Rd in Rutherfordton for a red-light violation. During the traffic stop, K9 Koda alerted to the vehicle led to a search of the vehicle and the seizure of:

64 grams of Mushrooms, 4 grams of Methamphetamine, 32 units of LSD, 14 grams of Marijuana, 4 Marijuana pipes, digital scales, a glass smoke pipe, Vipertek Taser, and 14 grams of Yellow Resin Wax. 

The following arrests and charges resulted:

Kelly Young:

2 Counts of Felony-PWIMSD Schedule I Controlled Substance
Felony - PWIMSD Marijuana
Felony - PWIMSD Methamphetamine
Felony - Maintain Veh/Dwell/Place Controlled Substance
Possess Marijuana up to 1/2 ounce
Possess Drug Paraphernalia
Possess Marijuana Paraphernalia
Carrying Concealed Weapon
Stop Light Violation G.S. 20-1158(B)(2)

Megan Lussier:

Felony Possession of Schedule I Controlled Substance
2x Failure to Appear on Misdemeanor
Also, on 3/24/2024, Deputies conducted a second traffic stop. During the stop, the driver gave deputies consent to search the vehicle. The search of the vehicle resulted in 1 gram of Cocaine and 11 grams of Marijuana seized. The driver, Steven Teague, was arrested and charged with the following.

Steven Teague:
Felony Possession of Cocaine
Possess Marijuana up to 1/2 ounce
Possess Marijuana Paraphernalia
Driving while License Revoked

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

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