Asheville -- November 14, 2023:  Asheve Police posted the following on social media yesterday:

The Asheville Police Department requesting the public’s help in their continued efforts to locate two separate missing persons. This week marks the second anniversary of Bethany Collins Buckles and the one year of Keri Lynn Buckner’s disappearance.

Buckles, 49, was initially reported missing by her family on Nov. 20, 2021, after she failed to return to her residence on Ravencroft Lane in South Asheville. She is 5’6” tall and approximately 200 pounds, with either blonde or dark-colored hair and blue eyes.
Keri Lynn Buckner, 31, was last seen on November 11, 2022, in the Biltmore Village area on Biltmore Avenue. She is described as a white female, 5’6” tall, around 150 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes.
We are urging the public to come forward with any information, no matter how small it may seem. Even the smallest detail could be the missing piece that helps us locate Bethany and Keri.
If you have any information about these cases, you can send an anonymous tip by texting TIP2APD to 847411 (TIP411) or use the TIP2APD smartphone app. You can also directly contact APD at (828) 252-1110.


Bethany Buckles/p>


Keri Buckner

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