Avery County Sheriff’s Office Press Release November 14, 2023:

Investigators have charged Aaron Ray age 35 with eleven (11) counts of misdemeanor cruelty to animals, one (1) felony count of cruelty to animals, and twelve (12) counts of abandonment of animals.

Deputies were alerted by the Avery County Humane Society of twelve (12) dogs being brought into the facility, eleven (11) Great Dane/Bulldog mix puppies and one (1) adult female Great Dane. One (1) puppy, which unfortunately died shortly after being brought to the Humane Society.

The mother was very malnourished and unable to produce milk for the puppies. The mother is currently in the process of being adopted and going to a good home. The remaining puppies are still being cared for and will be available for adoption in the near future.

Please follow the link if you are interested in the adoption of these puppies. averyhumane.org

Editor's Note:* A criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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