Asheville -- Asheville Police are investigating a murder case and posted the following Monday on Face BooK

At approximately 8:40 p.m. on February 9 the Asheville Police Department (APD) responded to Hillcrest Apartments after reports of an individual suffering from a gun shot wound. Upon arrival officers located Jailyn Dumari Morton, 24, of Asheville, suffering from a life threatening gunshot wound. Morton was transported to Mission Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

The APD Criminal Investigation Section has identified multiple persons of interest in this case. Detectives are working diligently to develop leads and hold those responsible for this incident accountable.

If anyone has any information on this incident they are encouraged to contact the Asheville Police Department at (828) 252-1110 or Asheville-Buncombe Crime Stoppers at (828) 255-5050, if they wish to remain anonymous.

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