FRANKLIN, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina woman fatally shot her ex-husband after he broke into her home and attacked a man sleeping there with a metal pipe, a sheriff has confirmed.

    Christopher Prince is accused of disconnecting a security camera at his former wifeโ€™s Franklin home and using a small knife to unlock her bedroom door on Wednesday, Macon County Sheriff Robert Holland told WLOS-TV. The woman had sought a protective order against him on Monday, authorities told news outlets.

    Holland said Prince used a metal pipe to strike a sleeping man multiple times over his body and head. Police arenโ€™t identifying the man but said he is in critical condition. The ex-wife shot Prince in the head as he raised the pipe and came toward her, Holland said. He later died from his wounds.

    Police didnโ€™t identify the woman but noted in a statement that she is cooperating with officers. Itโ€™s unclear if sheโ€™ll face charges.

    Prince was wanted in Henderson County for felony first-degree burglary charges, authorities said.

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