Buncombe County Fire Marshal Extends Open Burn Ban
Buncombe County -- Press Release Buncombe County Government: The Buncombe County Fire Marshal’s Office has extended an open
burn ban through Friday, March 7 at 9 a.m.
due to forecasted extreme fire danger conditions including low humidity and strong winds. The ban may be extended again depending on conditions.
The ban applies to all open burning including:
Yard waste
Land-clearing burns
Fires in pits, barbecue grills, cooking fires, warming fires, or chimeneas, and outdoor stoves smaller than three feet in diameter are not included in this ban.
It is never legal to burn anything other than naturally occurring vegetation.
This ban does not affect the N.C. Forest Service Jurisdiction that begins at 100 feet from structures. Please refer to questions on permitting and jurisdiction to the N.C. Forest Service at 828-667-5211 or 919-857-4801.
Image: WNCTimes