Buncombe County -- Press Release Buncombe County Sheriff's Office: Deputies with the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office arrested  and

charged Taranthea Carson with Assault

with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Bodily Injury. Deputies were dispatched to the Stop N Go on Sweeten Creek Road for a welfare
check on Friday, February 28. They found a woman suffering from stab wounds to the face/ Deputies identified and located the suspect, Taranthea Carson. 

BCSO District 1 Captain Elliot Summey: “The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office determined this to be an isolated incident with no threat
to the community.”

Carson is being held in the Buncombe County Detention Center on a $10,000 secured bond.

Editor's Note: A  criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


Image: WNCTimes

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