Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Government News: Due to high fire danger conditions in the area through Thursday, February 27,

the Buncombe County Fire Marshall

strongly urges caution and postponing any burning if possible until conditions improve.

While there is no burn ban at this time due to humidity levels forecasted to remain in the 30% range with winds light and variable, this may change with fire activity or change in the forecast.

"We are at this time urging caution and if at all possible, postponement of burning," says Buncombe County Fire Marshall Kevin Tipton.

If you must burn, follow these guidelines:

Keep all debris in small and manageable piles - less than 3 feet in diameter
Have a way of immediately reporting out-of-control fires
Report out-of-control fires to 911
Under county ordinance, you must have a means of extinguishment available including tools for moving dirt, a water hose, or a portable fire extinguisher

Image: WNCTimes

All fires must be constantly attended until completely extinguished 
You are only allowed to burn naturally occurring vegetation that grows on your property

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