Henderson County --   The Henderson County Sheriff's Office Report Saturday:  The Criminal Investigations Division of the Henderson

County Sheriff's Office, specifically the Property Crimes Unit,

has conducted a thorough investigation into a theft incident at a local business. 

As a result of their diligent efforts, they obtained arrest warrants for Joseph Dale Revis, age 33, resident of East Flat Rock for charges including Felony Larceny, Felony Conspiracy, and Felony Obtaining Property by False Pretense.
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, the Patrol Division David Squad located and arrested Revis. 
Revis was brought before a magistrate and issued a $24,000.00 secured bond.

*Law Enforcement does not determine the conditions of release. Only a judicial official, such as a magistrate or judge, has the authority to set a bond or other conditions for release. For further details regarding this.

Editor's Note: A  criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.

Joseph Dale Revis

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