Hendersonville -- City of Hendersonville Government: The minor overnight flooding occurring in Hendersonville has receded off the roads.

 Our area is still under a National Weather Service Flood Advisory. (weather.gov)

2/13/25 - 1:40 AM

The City of Hendersonville is providing Roadway Flooding Alerts to bring awareness to the possibility of flooded roadways in our community.

Based on the current situation and the forecast, the City of Hendersonville has upgraded the Flood Response Plan to a Level 2 – Minor Flooding Phase.

Some low-lying streets are experiencing minor flooding. We are seeing impacts along South Grove Street and 7th Avenue.

Motorists are reminded to ‘Turn Around Don’t Drown’ and seek alternate routes of travel if they encounter a flooded roadway. Sign up for alerts from the City of Hendersonville by visiting www.hendersonvillenc.gov/alerthvl or texting AlertHVL to 226787.

Additional information on flooding resources and frequent flooding street closures can be found at hendersonvillenc.gov/flooding

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