Asheville -- Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce News: As spring blooms, both job seekers and employers recognize its promise for fresh beginnings.

And with the arrival of the WNC Career Expo, itโ€™s time for employers to seize the opportunity to discover new talent.

Join us for the WNC Career Expo on Wednesday, April 17 at the WNC Agricultural Centerโ€™s Davis Event Center in Fletcher. The event will cater exclusively to students and educators from 9:30 to 11 AM, and then open its doors to all job seekers from 11 AM to 4 PM.

Registration for a standard event booth is $300, with an option to add access to electricity for a $50 fee.

Find the Next Step in Your Career

Great companies start with great people, and youโ€™ll find both at the WNC Career Expo.
Plan to join us Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at the Davis Event Center at the WNC Agricultural Center, located at 761 Boylston Highway in Fletcher.   

Presented by the Mountain Area Workforce Board and the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Western North Carolina businesses and organizations are ready to promote career opportunities for job seekers in advanced manufacturing, technology, health care, tourism, professional services, and other high-growth industries. All job seekers are encouraged to attend this one-stop opportunity to meet directly with representatives from companies hiring now. Weโ€™ll also have free supportive services like interview preparation, resume review, and child care search information available on site.

Employer Registration is Open

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