Asheville -- April 2024: Asheville Chamber of Commerce Business Buzz: Dogwood Health Trust has announced the selection of Affiliated Monitors, Inc. (AMI) as the Independent Monitor to

oversee HCA Healthcareโ€™s compliance with its commitments in the purchase agreement for Mission Health System. The appointment, effective April 1, 2024, was consented to by both the North Carolina Attorney Generalโ€™s Office (AGO) and HCA. Dr. Susan Mims, CEO of Dogwood Health Trust, cited AMIโ€™s specialized experience in monitoring as a key factor in their selection. 

Vin DiCianni, President of AMI, expressed gratitude for the opportunity and emphasized the collaborative effort required for success. Their responsibilities encompass various aspects such as annual report evaluation, community engagement, and compliance assessment. The selection process involved a comprehensive review by a working group within Dogwood Health Trust, with input from the AGO. Attorney General Josh Stein expressed optimism about the new appointmentโ€™s oversight role, while Mission Health spokesperson Nancy Lindell expressed confidence in their compliance with the Asset Purchase Agreement.

Dogwood Health Trust focuses on improving health and wellbeing across Western North Carolina through innovative initiatives in housing, education, economic opportunity, and healthcare. For more information, visit dogwood health trust  

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